Билеты взял, будем посмотреть что за район :)
  • avatar bruto
  • 1
он ищет
the «Effective Edge» which is the portion of the edge that is in contact with the snow during a carved turn

при этом находится почему-то центр контактной поверхности, которая к carved turn отношение имеет неопределённое
Так он ищет центр эффективного канта, т. е. что касается поверхности, а истинный — по проекции всей лыжи
  • avatar bruto
  • 1
как-то странно он edge center находит — положив лыжу на скользяк
:( Несем потери. Только счас узнал. Мы сней переписывались по теме телемарка. Земля пухом.
  • avatar Norge
  • 0
Коллеги, как вы знаете 10 августа не стало Наденьки Морозовой.
Она погибла в автокатастрофе.
В настоящее время родители Нади продают её комплект для катания телемарком.
Вот здесь объявление

У меня и красная была, и салатовая, и теперь баклажановая. Начиная с салатовой наплыв с внутренней стороны в районе средней бакли больше сделан, в результате живучесть бота и гармошки в частности к кантам лыж повышена. Еще как показалось поработали с флексом и вставочки появились в районе голенища из более эластичного материала по сравнению с остальной мыльницей. На баклажановой схалявили на ремне верхнем — тоненький и резиновым тиснением буквы — отвалятся быстро наверное — пофиг, валенок тот же, да бакли крашенные. В июне — июле этого года на перинеях лежали за 200 ойро.
После красной была зеленая, а счас баклажанная? так?
Красная вполне ничего, на ней и катаю сейчас.
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4565272 Получите, распишитесь :)
1.Красная вторая скарпа — её сто лет в обед.
2.Ктож сравнивает цены в начале сезона? Кстати, шерпа не скидывает в конце сезона.
В Шерпе на 75 мм сейчас цены как на перинеях, не скажу по наличию размеров
Чем плохи криспи? Сам с ними не сталкивался ни разу.
Вот была интересная статья. Оставлю тут чтобы было. На исходном языке.

Метод утсновке на средней точке от трех средних :)

Откопал с на форуме telemarktalk.com/ — форум не работает в данный момент.

What up guys. This is a method that I have developed for mounting my personal twin tip skis and those who purchase bindings from Bomber. Check it out. I believe this is a great way to mount any ski with an active performance telemark binding.

Average of Centers

To this date, there is no standard in mounting twin tip skis. The rise and length of the tips and tails are not a norm and therefore it is hard to say, «This is the how to of mounting twin tips skis.» For this same reason, I have totally thrown out the traditional method of determining Cord Center. I mount twin tips on a regular basis for my own use and for our customers here at Bomber. I exclusively ski twins and have been for the past 5 years. In my experience, mounting the pin line of your boot in front of Cord Center by a minimum of 3-5 cm has proven to work well with a variety of twin tip skis. FYI, I ski a 185cm Donek twin for all mountain and park/pipe. I experimented a lot in order to find a position that worked well for all conditions and scenarios. It ends up that I have my pin line at about 8 cm in front of True Cord Center.

I recommend that all bindings be mounted at least 3cm in front of Traditional Cord Center.

In order to mount you twin tips, use this method that I have developed for mounting all my personal skis:


1. Determine your Effective Edge and Effective Edge Center.
To determine the «Effective Edge» which is the portion of the edge that is in contact with the snow during a carved turn, first lay your skis on a flat surface base down. Slide a piece of paper under the tip and tail towards the center of ski until it stops due to the edge being in contact with the flat surface. Place a small mark on the side wall to indicate the stopping point of the paper. Do this on both skis for tip and tail.

To determine the «Effective Edge Center» which I define as the exact center of the «Effective Edge», measure the distance between the marks on the side wall which indicate the beginning and the end of the Effective Edge. Divide the Effective Edge length measurement in half and place a mark on the side wall to indicate «Effective Edge Center». When locating and marking this point, measure from the mark you placed near the tip for the beginning of the Effective Edge.

2. Determine True Cord Center.
To determine the “True Cord Center" which I define as the exact center of the ski measure along the base of the ski, measure along the base of the ski from tip to tail, divide the measurement in half and place a mark on the base or edge of ski. Transfer this mark to the top sheet.

3. Determine the Balance Point of the ski.
To determine the “Balance Point” which is the point on the ski base in where the ski will balance horizontally on a thin straight object that is perpendicular the base of the ski, hold the ski in the air by placing a thin small object like a ruler on the base while attempting to balance it without supporting the tip or tail. Place a mark on the ski exactly where the object is positioned in order to balance the ski horizontally.

4. Decide where you want to position your bindings. Find the Average of the Centers.
Translate all indicating marks to the top sheet and select your mounting position based on the average of the True Cord Center, Effective Edge Center, and the Balance Point marks. This is your “Average of Centers Mark.” These marks can vary as much as a couple centimeters and are different on every ski model. By averaging these marks I believe that you can find the best place to mount your specific ski. I encourage people to mount their Bishop Performance Telemark bindings and other active performance telemark bindings a minimum of 3cm in front of Traditional Cord Center on all skis. For twin tips, I like to see at least 5cm in front of the “Average of Centers”. Keep in mind that the Bishop binding has the ability to move forward and back. You may chose to be creative in where you position your sub plate in terms of what your forward and backward extremes are. Base your extremes on your most common main pin position, you personal technique and the style of skiing you will be using these skis for most. In the case of skis with inserts, experiment with different positions and place a mark for park, powder, carving etc. Do the math and get it right the first time. If you have questions contact me.

More recently, I have been mounting a lot of tele skis with the Boot Sole Center at Ski Center. I determine the Ski Center by using the above method to find the “Average of Centers Mark”. I then measure the sole length of the boot, divide it in half and place a mark in front of the determined “Average of Centers Mark” that is half the Boot sole length. I then mount the bindings pin line on this mark.
  • avatar Egor
  • 0
Интерспорт ответил по аренде, оно есть
Yes we have Telemark Skis and Boots in our rental. (not the NTN System)
Prices for a Set (includes Skis, Boots and Poles) are:
SET: Skis and Poles:
1 Day: € 32.- € 25.-
2 Days: € 59.- € 45.-
3 Days: € 85.- € 64.-
4 Days: € 109.- € 82.-
5 Days: € 132.- € 99.-
6 & 7 Days: € 154.- € 115.-
Жду продолжение с нетерпением!
  • avatar Artem
  • 0
у меня сложилось мнение что жрут рант они как раз из за отсутствия антиобеденительных наклеек. как раз отверстиями под болты.
  • avatar Artem
  • 1
а будет про катание в пухляке?
Да да краДкость!